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St. Philip's Church Harlem


And God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything you may share abundantly in every good work.  2 Cor 9:8

Welcome to our ministries.


Acolytes assist the priest at the altar and ensure the orderly and smooth progression of worship.

Altar Guild

The guild are lay persons  responsible for preparing the altar for all services and maintenance of communion vessels and elements for Holy Communion.

Candace Organization

Candace was the queen of the Ethiopians. It was her eunuch/chamberlain was converted to Christianity by Philip the evangelist (Acts 8:27).  The organization fosters spiritual growth through service oriented activities within the church and the community-at=large.  

Christian Formation

Children five to 18 are taught Christian theology based on the Book of Common Prayer and the Bible.

Cultural Committee

Offers and supports activities that foster communication, education, and cultural exchange to provide enrichment and involvement for St. Philip's congregation and our Harlem community.

Daughters of the King  (DOK)
An Order for women who are communicants of the Episcopal Church or churches in communion with it or churches who are in the Historic Episcopate.  Members undertake a rule of Life, incorporating the Rule of Prayer and of Service.  Daughters pledge to a life-long program.  Our DOK was reinstituted at St. Philip's on June 27, 2021.  


A coalition of churches conducts monthly outdoor worship service in Marcus Garvey Park (Madison Avenue at 120th Street)  St. Philip's service is every third Sunday of the month.  Parishioners make box lunches for participants.

Flower Guild

Beautification of sanctuary and other areas of church property with plants and flowers.

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